Self Care in the face of Exhaustion
Yes it is the New Year and you find yourself identifying things you would like to improve or change. Some of us don't even get past the start line because we are overwhelmed and feel paralyzed by all of our other responsibilities at work, home, with our children, in our marriage, with our mental health and all the multitude of "to do's" each of us manage on a daily basis. Where will I find the time? What is reasonable? Is just another situation where I will fail? I tried before and couldn't sustain it. These are all thoughts that go through our heads.
There is a direct, scientifically studied and confirmed connection between our mental health and our physical health. Here at MACS, we love to explore this connection with our clients to maximize the therapeutic benefits to treatment. We'd love to introduce you to Lauren Hutto, RN. Lauren is a Virtural Health & Fitness Coach. She's not a regular coach, she walks the walk and talks the talk. Lauren works as a full time nurse, often picking up other shifts as well while parenting her 3 (yes, I said 3) children, maintaining her marriage and managing her home. All while simultaneously managing to successfully develop her own goals, implementation, and practice of changing her health. In fact, she is so good at this, she makes us believe it is attainable. Lauren has graciously agreed to share her thought processes, action plans, secrets and motivations with us! We hope you are as inspired by Lauren as we are. She is available on facebook at Fit_nurse_Lauren or you can type in @fitnurselauren to find her in the facebook search bar. Lauren is available for one on one coaching and we highly recommend her!